is not acceptable, please use "product-description" or "description" instead. Please try to avoid underscores.
* Use single line styles which you break after 80-120 chars, so that they remain readable without horizontal scrolling.
* Use combined class names for blocks consisting of module name and module view name (like "menu menu‐header")
* Use classes only if you need them (nav class="nav_menu" is redundant)
* Encode special Characters in the HTML. Validate Your HTML on
* Closing a
-tag with class or id in the html must be commented with (see example files), to see where a block ends. Other comments in HTML are not required.
* Do not put text in the HTML which is all uppercase or all lowercase. Use CSS instead: text-transform:uppercase; or text-transform:lowercase;
* do not use inline styles.
* use the appropriate elements. Not "div.title" when it is a heading, use "h1".."h6".
* Please use Google Webfonts, not the smiley hack or similar.
=== CSS ===
* Divide main layout css/less and blocks css/less like explained in the description of the example file.
* use a reset css before all other css. I provide you with one, see attached. do not change this, insert it right after the google webfont css or at the top of all other css.
* always put the element's name before the class. Not ".discountbtn" but "div.discountbtn". This is much easier to read and debug and less error prone. Note: This does not apply to editor-styles (see below).
* our frontend converts images to data-uris. for this to be successful, the url has to be wrapped into single quotes: Please do not write background:url(../images/flower.png); but background:url('../images/flower.png'), else it won't be recognised from the system. Also, in most HTML IDEs, image urls are easier to spot.
* .editor block and all other blocks must be independent from each other. if you delete the css/less for one block, the others must keep their layout.
* do not use CSS-hacks. Write valid CSS. Use a class on the -Element to refer to "ie", "ie8", "ie7" etc. - this later will be added automatically by the frontend, e.g. ...
* do not use double classes at all, no ".editor.editor-content", just "div.editor-content"
* please use proper spacing. A space needs to be before and after '{', after ':' and after ';'. Please no tabs.
* set the default font-family and size on the body-tag in layout.css.
* do not refer to a block in dependance to it's module name. not " { }" but " { }"
* do not refer to a block in dependance of it's section. No "header nav" or "header".
is a section, thus it can only be styled in "layout.css". Do not refer to blocks in "layout.css", only to sections or the body itself.
* please always refer to inner block styles beginning from the block's container. This does not mean you need to explain the full DOM hierarchy in the less.
* Do not use empty div elements for clearing (div class=clearar), use the short "overflow:hidden" on the container wherever applicable (which also clears the float), on blocks with floating and overflowing elements inside use css clearfix on the container.\\ .clearfix() {
&:before, &:after { content:""; display:table; }
&:after { clear:both; }
zoom:1; //IE 7
* do not put the clearfix class on every block. the class name we provide for blocks must remain the same with no strings attached. Include it in the less-mixin for the block. Not acceptable:
== Editor ==
* the "editor" is a special block class. it's css is used in the backend and the frontend. In the backend, the class name like ".editor-content" is attached to the body of the editor, not to a div. Use "div.editor-content" (with the elements name) only if you need to style the container in the frontend. For all other stylings, like paragraphs, lists, etc., use ".editor-content p", ".editor-content ul", etc. The .editor-class is attached to the -element when in the backend, thus div.editor-content only works in the frontend. This is okay and needed if you have to position only the block's container div.editor-content in the frontend, but for all elements within div.editor-content, don't use the elements name 'div.' in the css, otherwise we have to rewrite it to make it work in the backend editor.
* .editor‐blocks may contain only ‐,
, , ,
, , , , - ,
, , , , , , , , (only in rare cases, use or instead of wherever possible, is not editable well with the editor-component we use in our cms (TinyMCE))
* You can use forms in blocks to wrap form elements, just not within the "editor" block.
* inside the editor-styles, for right floating img, use "img.align-right", for left floating img, "img.align-left". These are standard for .editor-blocks and the only classes which contain a reference to their layout. In other blocks, refer directly the element for styling or use your own class.
* Do not use tables for layouting. Tables are allowed within .editor-blocks, e.g. for price lists. If there are such, don't style tables globally, only within the css for the .editor, like .editor-content table { ... }
* for .editor-blocks, style at least all headings, from -, , and , (floating and inline) and (hover and normal state).
=== Scripts ===
* Please use JQuery UI and JQuery Tools where applicable. Don't use other libraries like Motools, Dojo, etc., please only JQuery.
* Javascript should be coded modular like the blocks themselves.
* It is important to end lines with semicolon not just newlines since the javascript code will we compressed with JSMin when in production.
* **Naming the JS-files**\\ If for example we have the module "menu" with the views "menu-sidebar" and "menu-header", you can name one javascript file "menu.js", which will be used in any case when either "menu-sidebar" or "menu-header" are on the page (but that's rather unusual, since js-code for the views in most cases differ). Most of the time you name the js-files like the views of the module, "menu-sidebar.js" and the other "menu-header.js", distinct files for any of the views. Later the c-mts frontend will pick one or both of these js-files when the view of the module is on the page.\\ Inside these files you refer to just this block, defining a variable for the element, and then giving it any selector you use in the closure as parameter, to limit them to that block, like:\\
$(function() {
var b = $('.menu-sidebar');
$('', b).each(
* Code efficiently. [[|Please follow rules 1-4 in this article]]. We don't use CDN hosted files to guarantee the availability of the libraries.
* To start you can put these js-files in one single folder. Later you will then distribute the files to the according module folders.
* You may use any jQuery-validation plugin you like, for the balloons we suggest to use the tooltip-plugin from bootstrap (just that one module, please don't put the whole bootstrap code in the project).
**You may also review the markup of our other sites - you will see they are all coded pretty much the same way. Please see **
You can view the source, copy it and use Netbeans to indent the HTML Code, it has the Function pressing ALT+SHIFT+F. I'm sure you will get the similarities and code new pages this way.