cmts - Main files for cmts frontend. Mantained by MTS.
/site - this directory.
/site/cache - cache directory for generated and / or retrieved data. Must be writable.
/site/cache/clear.php - offers clear functionality for cache directories. A cache directory to be \\cleared can be specified, also “mem” for clearing memcache and “*” for clearing all directories including memcache.

  Example usage:

/site/cache/css - generated css, minified when in production. please note file cache for generated css is not used when memcache is active.
/site/cache/js - generated javascript, minified when in production. please note file cache for javascript is not used when memcache is active.
/site/cache/data - files linked in the css converted to base64, for re-use when regenerating css from less.
/site/cache/json - json data from f-mts. This is handled automatically. For your understanding what is going on:

Example: u0421-activities-de.json = http://www.f-mts.com/u0421/de/activities/export.json

/site/common/ - holds commonly used stuff. usually there will be no need to extend directory structure.
/site/common/html - main layout templates

/site/common/img - all images used on the frontend for the layout. usually it is a good idea to put files in subdirectories corresponding to the module name which uses them, and put commonly used images (e.g. the ones linked in [layout.template].html) directly in this folder.
Note: Please use /img/module/yourimage.png to include the file /site/common/img/module/yourimage.png in your css or html, not the full path.

/site/common/js - global javascripts (not libraries). Usually there will be common.js and stats.js.

You will not want to change cmts internationalization functions. You can add your own code below that.

/site/common/less - all global less files, which do not belong to a library or module. please overwrite your library default styles within a mixin named after the library in layout.less.

Please do not add more files to this directory. use mixins in layout.less for your layout definitions and output them in frontend.less and/or backend.less. Module specific styles are in the according less files for modules, not all together mixed up in frontend.less. frontend.less should style the sections and static content for the different frontend layouts, not the rendered blocks.

/site/common/less/lib - all less files overwriting styles from a third party library in /site/common/lib. Please only one file per library / plugin. This files are always included right after the library styles for overwriting the default styles. See definition in config: “styles[0]frontend.common” and “plugins”

/site/common/lib - third party (js) libraries. Please don't use CDN. Use a version number folder, if the version is relevant for the library, to easily switch between versions instead of replacing the files every time.

/site/config - site configuration files

/site/modules - contains all independent modules used on the site.

/site/modules/<modulename> - contains module controller, model and view as php-Files in CamelCase.
