
  1. Main Domain
  2. List of all Domains which are connected to the project, starting with the main Domain and expiration dates
  3. Contact of the Domain hoster
  4. Contact of the technical support
  5. Subdomains in use if any
  6. SSL Certificates, type and expiration date


  1. MX (is it external or same server as the website)
  2. Registeresd mail accounts (if MX points to the same server) and their passwords
  3. Is webmail backend in use, if so provide address and login information


  1. Hoster and type of Hosting (VM, Root, FTP)
  2. Peak traffic in GB
  3. Peak time(s)
  4. Login information (FTP, SSH)


  1. CMS type and version
  2. CMS backend address and admin login information
  3. Special plugins in use, version and support contact
  4. Third party applications (voucher, shop,…) and version, support contact if any


  1. Type, Size
  2. Backend address and login information