1. Go to the Heidisql software
2. Select [Hz]t-mts.com database [if do not have access please take it from MTS Domain folder in google drive]
3. Select the database of tmts_clients [for viewing the data please select “Data” tab in the right side]
4. “Clientfolder” contain the user name of the T-Mts user. so copy your desire your name.
5. “Realpass” the password for us and select the corresponding password to access the T-MTS for the desire user.
6. Open filezilla software
7. Open the site manager(very left icon under the “File”) and select MTS→ MTS Italia [Get the access information from MTS Domain]
8. Select the t-mts.com → httpdocs → upload → tours→[desire user]
9. At the very last window(fourth window),at the very last you will see the json file.
10. In the left side all open this folder locally.
11. Download the json file into local folder.(very very important)
12. Now open the Netbeans,
13. Open t-mts.com project.
14. Open httpdocs → upload → tours → [desire user name folder]
15. At the very last there is a json file. Open it.
16. Edit what you need. for add new archive only keep attention on “archives”. For every archives addition you have to add the tourquota+10, usually it depends on how many tours customer buys.
17. After editing upload the file to server
18. sync with mongodb. with the following address